Authentic Voices

Authentic Voices is an advocacy coalition formed by survivors of childhood maltreatment, along with friends, family members, and citizens who want to raise their voices on behalf of children.

The coalition addresses the prevention of child abuse and neglect at the community level by amplifying the voices of survivors and equipping advocates with tools to engage communities, speak for children, and inform decision makers.

The coalition’s objectives are:

  • Preventing child sexual abuse, child abuse and neglect.

  • Protecting children from child sexual abuse, child abuse and neglect

  • Healing adults and children who have been affected by child sexual abuse, child abuse or neglect


Authentic Voices is supported by the North Dakota Department of Human Services.

Get Involved

We invite you to join a developing group of people whose lives have been directly affected by child sexual abuse, child abuse or neglect. Together we can shed light on this silent crisis.

Submit your interest by filling out the form to the right, or download the PDF and print, mail, or fax.

Authentic Voices